Thursday, 8 February 2007

Red Cross Building in Second Life

While about to logout after a particularly strenuous bout of scripting, I thought I’d just take a quick swing around the islands and archipelagos to see if anything caught my attention. And as is so often the case these days, it did: in the form of Red Cross Island. Unsurprisingly, this is exactly what it says it is - an island currently being developed on behalf of The Red Cross. In truth, there is little there at the moment. Basically, the attached snaps are about the sum of it. As you can see, there were a couple of builders at work when I happened by, for all the world Speaking in Tongues - though from the twang of it, I reckon it was some kind of Scandawegian. This might also explain them completely ignoring me while I struggled uselessly to grab their attention. Damn it - a simple "hi" would suffice!

I also spotted some other points of interest - but time precluded any further study - so The Red Cross will have to suffice for now. I trust they will be more welcoming when the site actually launches!

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