Sunday, 26 August 2007

MeltingDots - Some Work in Progress

This is more a "note to self" than anything else, but while pootling about in Second Life, sticking my nose into this sim or that, I often come across a few places I think may be of interest (if and) when they finally open to the rambling public.

Today's clutch all appear to be under construction by Japanese build company (and Second Life portal site), Meltingdots:

  • Fujitsu - the Japanese computer giant - has 3 sims
  • Avex Trax - a Japanese record label - has Avexisland
  • Mitsubishi - Japanese maker of just about everything - has a single sim
They have already opened Virtual AKIBA, a 2-sim site that is basically a hoverboard track. Get your board (it's free!) and have a go. There is also a huge silver screen, showing adverts for a number of Japanese companies. Beyond this, I don't really have a clue what the "AKIBA Project" is all about.

Closer to their home base lies a cluster of sims, including "Walker Orientation." This would appear to be Meltingdots' own orientation zone, which I intend to have a closer look at soon. It is open to the public, and I have had a cursory tour, but not enough to warrant a post. Why "Walker"? Nope... sorry... no idea.

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