Tuesday 8 April 2008

In Times Like These...

... you need a good laugh. What with branding going haywire, the grid turning to jelly (or jello for our American cousins) and grown men and women salivating at the thought of taking money from children through assorted virtual worlds - we need a moment or two of levity. If that levity also includes some sideswipes at the Great and the Good, then so much the better.

With this in mind, I would like to commend to you TINYDANCING. the new blog by Kanomi Pikajuna. I think it is very funny - and about the only blog I can think of that had me chuckling outloud (it is a major achievement to raise much more than a chuckle from an ancient cynic like me). Also, don't forget to explore the TinyDancing Brand Center.

Kanomi, I realise I am in breach of brand guidelines here... but hey, I'm European - so sue me.

Enjoy the read.


EuroYank - Virginia Hoge said...

Congrats for the great blog and wonderful writing style. Love the humor. (for our British cousins humour) For the dark side of "tiny dancing" check out all the dances on my blog.

Anonymous said...

It had you laughing? I knew I would have to go look! It is cute. Thanks for sharing this link. Hmmm, I feel like being a tiny today in SL...

Timbo said...

Which blog? You have so many! Yeah, Kanomi is not all sweetness and light. :-)

Not "rolling in the aisles/scarcely a dry seat in the house" type laughing, but definitely aloud. May the Grid be your friend today!

Kanomi said...

Aleister, what a wonderful and thoughtful post! Thank you so very much!

Your unseemly violation of our branding guidelines have been noted, but given the generous nature of your unpaid publicity on our behalf, we have decided to give you 90 days to enter into compliance before the bulldozers go rumbling in. <3