Capgemini CTO's SLug it out
I have been a fan of the Capgemini CTO blog for a long time as it provides a frequently insightful view on the world of IT, and the strategic trends that are emerging. I have to confess that much of what's written goes straight over my head, but it's good to know that these things are being talked about... ummm... whatever they are. The blog is not the work of one individual. Rather it is a series of postings from Capgemini CTOs from around the world - and this makes for some dry amusement on occasion, when they fall out with each other. I also have something of a vested interest in their musings, since they are the MegaBrains for the company for which I work.
My personal interest is piqued whenever they stray onto Second Life, which both Andy Mulholland and Ron Tolido have done a number of times in the last 6 or 8 months. Andy, after a period of skepticism now sees merit in Second Life. Ron, on the other hand, remains stoutly skeptical... nay, negative about Second Life. I would particularly commend you to Ron's posts as he has a wonderfully dry wit - as dry as the Atacama Desert. This means that you get some entertaining sparks flying between the two, and if you are an SLer, or indeed an IT professional, you might find much to comment on within the blog.
The latest mention of Second Life comes from Ron in a post entitled "iPhone launched in Second Life." OK, it's not really about Second Life, but you might want to take a look anyway.
OK... I know this is something of a non-post,. In truth, I'm just trying to improve their Technorati rating (by 1) . Admittedly it has improved a bit of late, but still manages to languish - even the rambling, messy blog you are reading now has a higher rating. Next post will be a proper, pukka SL post though. :-)
1 comment:
Thanks 'Aleister' for improving our ratings in real life. Greetings from Atacama desert!
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