Sunday 10 June 2007


A number of travel organisations have now come to Second Life, but this is the first I've seen that uses quite so many 3-letter abbreviations: SBB CFF FFS. (though mercifully the island name has been shorted to SBB 1). The reason for the 3 sets of initials is easily explained. This is the Swiss Federal Railways (German: SBB, Schweizerische Bundesbahnen; French: CFF, Chemins de fer fédéraux suisses; Italian: FFS, Ferrovie federali svizzere). The nature of the company is apparent when you visit the island, though it is still very much at a formative stage.

You arrive on a station platform, with a carriage waiting for you to board. Adverts link to the railway website. Next to the platform is a sandbox area where you are encouraged to try your hand at making a model railway. Vending machines next to the sandbox supply track of various shapes on demand. Finally there is a terminal for requesting train timetables by use of the SL chat facility. The build is very much in its infancy, and this is as far as it goes at this time. Here are a few images to digest:

The texture used on the railway carriage is over-stretched, resulting in blurring of the text and the the transparant areas used for the windows.

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